Puz's Pottery | Personal Projects | Salem, Oregon Photographer

October 17, 2017  •  4 Comments

My Grandfather is Puz. Also known as Puzzy. He's 98 years old today. Yes, Ninety Eight. He often has to pull out his drivers licence which shows his birth date in 1919 for people to believe him. As you can imagine, he's done quite a few things in his life. He has 8 children who are all grandparents now. He served in the Army during World War II. He has built sailboats, airplanes, canoes, porch swings, and countless other projects. He told me "I try something and keep playing with it till the point I know I can do it and then, whoop, time to try something else." 

One such creative hobby of his is Pottery. He's been tinkering with clay for close to 50 years. He first got into pottery when one of his daughter's mother-in-law gave her a kick wheel. He looked it over and decided he could build a better one and set to work doing just that. He then got some clay and threw a few pots. He then took them down to the local art center in Hawaii where they lived at the time to see if they could fire them for him. He was told they would fire his pots but if they blew up the kiln he'd have to pay to replace it. Well, that wouldn't do so he loaded up his pots and went home and built his own kiln. This story so completely illustrates his attitude in life. Look at something, figure out how to do it, and give it a try. 

I've been wanting to spend some time with him photographing his days, documenting and preserving some of his creative personality and I was able to spend a day with him while he went to the Willamette Art Center and worked on some pottery projects. It was so cool to just watch him bounce from project to project, fixing this, changing this. I hope to do this a few more times, documenting some of his other projects and hobbies. 


Mary von Hoch(non-registered)
Happy Birthday! LOVE the pictures; they're wonderful!
Beautiful! Thank you for this.
You have captured the potter so well Gela! Your love overflows
Jane Woeber Hartsock(non-registered)
Happy Burthday Puz! I hope it’s winder
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